lutrine's den


**bold** *italics* ~~strikethrough~~

bold italics strikethrough


# Big header
## Medium header
### Small header
#### Tiny header
##### Very tiny header
###### Miniscule header

Big header

Medium header

Small header

Tiny header

Very tiny header
Miniscule header

- Generic list item
- Generic list item
- Generic list item

1. Numbered list item
2. Numbered list item
3. Numbered list item
  1. Numbered list item
  2. Numbered list item
  3. Numbered list item


[Open in same tab](
[Open in new tab](tab:

Or use the heading ID (the slugified name of the header as an internal link...)

[Internal link](#headers)

Open in same tab
Open in new tab

Internal link

Typographic replacements

Bear Blog(r)(c) is a Good Blog(tm) that took +-3 years to perfect.

Bear Blog®© is a Good Blog™ that took ±3 years to perfect.

I drink H<sub>2</sub>O at the 6<sup>th</sup> and 12<sup>th</sup> hours of the day.

I drink H2O at the 6th and 12th hours of the day.


Here is a simple footnote,[^1] and here is a longer one.[^named-note]

Then at the bottom of your post...

[^1]: This is the first footnote.

[^named-note]: Here is another one.

Here is a simple footnote,1 and here is a longer one.2


> This is a quote.  
> It can span multiple lines!

This is a quote.
It can span multiple lines!


Need to upload an image? Imgur has a great interface.

![Cheatsheet image example](

Cheatsheet image example


| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| John     | Doe      | Male     |
| Mary     | Smith    | Female   |

Or without aligning the columns...

| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| John | Doe | Male |
| Mary | Smith | Female |
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
John Doe Male
Mary Smith Female

Displaying code

`var example = "hello!";`

Or spanning multiple lines...

var example = "hello!";

var example = "hello!";

var example = "hello!";

For language specific syntax highlighting, specify the language at the beginning of the code block.

  1. This is the first footnote.

  2. Here is another one.